String Theory in Curved Backgrounds


Boundary Conformal Field Theory

In spring and early summer 2004, the Erwin Schrödinger Institute in Vienna will host an international programme on the microscopic description of strings and branes in curved backgrounds and various related topics, including e.g. non-commutative quantum field theories. Activities will run from March until July, peaked around two workshops in April and June:

The following scientists have already mentioned dates when they intend to participate in the programme; some of these are, however, tentative at the moment:

P. Aschieri 27/4 - 11/5
C. Bachas2 weeks in late April, early May
M. Berkooz 07/6 - 18/6
N. Berkovits 07/6 - 10/6
D. Blakeley 02/5 - 07/6
P. Bouwknegt 27/4 - 10/5
A. Cappelli 13/6 - 20/6
A. Carey 27/5 - 05/6
B. Craps 02/6 - 19/6
G. D'Appollonio 07/6 - 21/6
H. Enger 28/4 - 11/5
P. Fendley 13/6 - 22/6
J. Figueroa-O'Farrill 10/5 - 24/5
A. Font 12/5 - 21/5
S. Fredenhagen 04/5 - 27/5
M. Gaberdiel 11/6 - 17/6
K. Graham 06/6 - 22/6
B. Jurco 03/5 - 21/5
A. Kapustin 27/4 - 06/5
A. Klemm 10 days, 2nd workshop
N. Lambert 31/5 - 18/6
G. Landi 03/5 -
W. Lerche 27/4 - 05/5
J. Madore 16/5 - 06/6
V. Mathai 26/5 - 30/5
N. McKay 07/6 - 16/6
A. Odzijewicz 28/4 - 11/5
J. Pawelczyk 03/5 - 07/5 and 31/5 - 11/6
A. Pakman 01/5 - 23/6
P. Pearce 06/6 - 22/6
T. Quella 27/5 - 21/6
S. Rey 2 weeks, 2nd workshop
S. Ribault 06/6 - 21/6
D. Roggenkamp 27/4 - 15/5
I. Runkel 04/5 - 11/5 and 07/6 - 14/6
R. Schimmrigk 05/5 - 15/5
K.-G. Schlesinger 01/5 - 30/6
P. Schupp 15/5 - 28/5
A. Schwimmer 25/5 - 01/6
P. Sorba 07/6 - 13/6
H. Steinacker 10/5 - 15/5 and 30/5 - 04/6
R. Suszek 06/6 - 20/6
B. Szendroi 02/5 - 09/5
A. Szenes about 1 week in early May
J. Teschner 07/6 - 19/6
S. Theisen at least 17/5 - 31/5
G. Watts 07/6 - 18/6
K. Wendland 25/4 - 13/5
J. Wess 07/6 - 21/6
P. West 19/4 - 30/4 and 14/6 - 29/6

The following scientists are planning to attend the programme but cannot not give any dates yet:

A. Alekseev, R. Wulkenhaar

We intend to update the information on this page regularly, in particular to provide definitive dates, lists of participants and other relevant information on the workshops, and also to offer hints how to best savour the unique ambience and the rich cultural life of Vienna. Here are some sight-seeing suggestions. Please refer to the ESI homepage for general practical information and some useful links.

The organisers
Harald Grosse Andreas Recknagel Volker Schomerus

Workshop on mathematical and physical aspects of branes in Calabi-Yau spaces

 Thu 29/4      Fri 30/4      Mon 03/5      Tue 04/5      Wed 05/5      Thu 06/5      Fri 07/5      Mon 10/5      Tue 11/5    
11:00     Wendland Wendland Kapustin Kapustin Szendroi Szendroi Bouwknegt Runkel Figueroa-O'Farrill 
14:30     West Wendland Szendroi Szenes       15:00 Aschieri
16:00     West Kapustin Kaste Lerche Kapustin Schimmrigk Fredenhagen 16:30 Jurco

Titles and Abstracts

Paolo Aschieri, Branislav Jurco: Gerbes and Branes I/II

The intention is to discuss differential geometry and gauge theory on nonabelian gerbes, abelian gerbes and D-branes, anomalies, nonabelian gerbes and M-theory 5-branes.

Peter Bouwknegt: T-duality for principal torus bundles

T-duality, in its simplest form, is the R to 1/R symmetry of String Theory compactified on a circle of radius R. It can be generalized to manifolds which admit circle actions (e.g. circle bundles) or, more generally, torus actions. In the case of nontrivial torus bundles, and in the background of H-flux, T-duality relates manifolds of different topology and in particular provides isomorphisms between the twisted cohomologies and twisted K-theories of these manifolds. In this talk we will discuss these developments as well as provide some examples.

Stefan Fredenhagen: D-brane charges in Coset models

In this talk, I want to consider D-brane charges in backgrounds described by supersymmetric coset models from two perspectives. On the one hand, we evaluate dynamical information to determine the group of conserved charges. On the other hand, we analyse the charge lattice of RR-couplings. The results are then compared to the corresponding equivariant twisted K-theory.

Anton Kapustin: Topological D-branes

I will discuss D-branes in topological sigma-models and their geometric description. I will start by reviewing topological sigma-models and general properties of topological field theories. Then I will discuss boundary conditions compatible with the topological twist in the cases of A and B-models and explain the mathematical interpretation of the corresponding categories of D-branes.

Peter Kaste: Generalised discrete torsion and mirror symmetry for G_2 manifolds

A generalisation of discrete torsion is introduced in which different discrete torsion phases are considered for the different fixed points or twist fields of a twisted sector. The constraints that arise from modular invariance are analysed carefully. As an application we show how all the different resolutions of the T^7/Z_2^3 orbifold of Joyce have an interpretation in terms of such generalised discrete torsion orbifolds. Furthermore, we show that these manifolds are pairwise identified under G_2 mirror symmetry. From a conformal field theory point of view, this mirror symmetry arises from an automorphism of the extended chiral algebra of the G_2 compactification.

Wolfgang Lerche: Boundary flows in topological minimal models

Ingo Runkel: An algebraic approach to conformal field theory

There is a close connection between (rational) conformal field theory in two dimensions, topological field theory in three dimensions and algebras in tensor categories.
Correlators of a 2dCFT can be understood as states of a 3dTFT, which are associated to the two-dimensional boundary of a three-manifold. The 3dTFT in turn can be obtained from an algebraic construction starting from a so-called modular tensor category. A given 3dTFT can allow for the construction of different 2dCFTs, and this amounts to the choice of an algebra in the modular tensor category. Properties of the algebra are then directly linked to properties of the 2dCFT. For example, modules of the algebra correspond to boundary conditions of the CFT.

Rolf Schimmrigk: Arithmetic geometry of bulk and boundary CFTs

One of the old questions in string theory is which structures of spacetime encode the essential information of the underlying conformal field theory. In this talk methods from arithmetic algebraic geometry are applied to this problem in the context of Calabi-Yau varieties and D-branes.

Balasz Szendroi: Recent mathematical advances in mirror symmetry

I will talk about (some subset of) the following topics: recap of Kontsevich's Homological Mirror Symmetry, Douglas-Bridgeland stability, Seidel's and other people's recent work on mirror symmetry for Fano and K3 surfaces, recent work on McKay correspondence.

Andras Szenes: The mirror residue conjectures of Batyrev and Materov

Batyrev and Materov formulated a set of conjectures which give a new compact localization formula for the Yukawa couplings of toric mirror Calabi-Yau hypersurfaces and complete intersections. I will describe a proof of the conjectures, which I found in joint work with Michele Vergne. The main novel tool used in the proof is a variant of "tropical geometry", a degeneration technique used in real algebraic geometry.

Katrin Wendland: On degeneration phenomena in geometry and conformal field theory

In certain degenerate limits, conformal field theories are known to allow geometric interpretations. Phenomena like mirror symmetry are therefore closely linked to degeneration phenomena, and a better understanding of both the geometric and conformal field theoretic aspects of such phenomena is desirable. We attempt to give an account on some recent progress along these lines.

Last modified: April 28 2004