Stephen Power (Lancaster):

Manifolds of Hilbert space projections.


Various contexts in operator theory often give rise to a finitely parametrised set of projections which, with the strong operator topology, forms a topological manifold. (For an easy example consider the 1-dimensional invariant subspaces of the backward shift.) A particularly striking isolated example is the so-called Fourier-Plancherel sphere which arises as natural "continuation" of the quarter sphere that corresponds to the right translation invariant subspaces on the line that are also "Beurling subspaces" (ie. unimodular times the Hardy space). Rupert Levene and I have developed a new unified approach to such unimodular function projection manifolds which covers this (and other extant ad hoc examples). The core technique is an understanding of so-called "strange limits" of projections in terms of oscillatory integrals. As a consequence we obtain many other inequivalent 2-spheres (and n-spheres) of projections. In the talk I will sketch these issues as well as intriguing problems of differential structure. (The FP sphere is as smooth as smooth can be away from the poles.)